ThreatEvents.Com firmly believes that past attending students and clients should have the final say in validating, qualifying and quantifying any company’s (or persons) claims of competence. We express the importance for clients to thoroughly conduct their research and make informed decisions before risking time, money and safety on bad training. Unfortunately, these uncertain times have spawned a tremendous amount of “less than adequate” training companies that make big promises only to be followed by poor outcomes. In order to accurately gauge and to continue to improve our curriculum, we often ask students for their critiques of the training they receive from us. This also gives us an opportunity to share some of those same opinions with you to assist you in your research. We also feel that it is important for all of our listed testimonials to be named by the individuals that made them and backed by the paper they were written on or copies of the emails from which they were received. All of the testimonials listed on our website are kept for record in their original forms and can be accessed if needed. Because of the sheer volume of testimonials we have on hand, we cannot list all of them. We are primarily listing excerpts from military and law enforcement course critiques due to the fact that those are the primary courses our company was founded own. If you would like to see additional military or law enforcement testimonials or testimonials from civilian courses, please contact us to make those arrangements.